Become a Gratia Analyst!

We help talented, sharp analysts find recurring work in the most interesting companies. We manage the client relationships for you and give you consistent access to great opportunities.

What does Gratia offer?

  • Upskilling

    Use our assessments to track your training success and increase your hourly rates

  • Apprenticeship

    Senior support and regular, personalized feedback to improve and become the best you can be

  • Flexibility

    Work remotely from anywhere and find projects that fit the hours you work

Meet the team

Tanya, India

Tanya is a senior analyst working full-time. She has completed projects with a global retailer and a major intergovernmental organization. She is trained in Python, PowerBI, and Google Analytics.

Oluwaseun, Nigeria

Oluwaseun is a junior analyst working full-time. She uses her computer science degree on projects using SQL, Python, and Tableau for data-intensive consulting engagements.

Juliana, Brazil

Juliana is a senior analyst working full-time. She has upskilled her capabilities in data scraping, creating dashboards, and building case studies through Gratia’s assessments and client engagements.

Our presence is Global

Responsive AmCharts Map

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